Another week down
This week saw a loss of 0.4 taking my total loss since 2nd January 07
to 5.6kg. This equates to 0.94kg per week which isn't too bad all
things considered. I know that I have had more good weeks than bad, I
have exercised more days than I haven't and I have drunk more water
than I did in the previous 6 months combined. My goal for Jodie's 10
week challenge was to lose 5kgs so I am happy with where I am right
Things have been very hectic at work the past 10 days - we are
changing over to a new computer system today and so haven't been very
productive in the office. Have gone to start several things only to
get part way through and find that I can't go any further because I
need to use the system. Tomorrow and Friday we will be tied up in
training and then it will be full steam ahead the following week
finishing off everything that has to be done for the auditors coming
the following Monday. Plus I still have to get the January accounts
finalised but there is a hold-up with that and I am waiting on
something from someone else before I can continue. All in all a
really busy time of the year for me - hopefully it will all quieten
down in the not to distant future.
I am still very happy with eTools - I can't believe how much easier it
is track what I am eating and to stay on top of it. Yesterday I
didn't have a particulary good day - a small packet of Peanut M&M's
which wasn't the end of the world but then I landed up working until
after 8pm and when Al and K came to fetch me, we stopped at a local
tavern for dinner (our Valentine's Dinner). I had grilled snapper
which was really nice except that they had brushed the lemon butter
over the top before they grilled it even though I had asked for it on
the side. I would normally have sent it back but at 8.45 I was ready
to eat the table never mind worry about some extra butter. I also had
some of the chips and the small piece of avo which was on top of the
fish but then K couldn't finish her pizza and I had a slice of that as
well. Not feeling like I had eaten enough, while sitting at home
watching TV at midnight - I thought a snack would be good (having
forgotten about the M&M's I'd eaten earlier in the day !) and opened
the cupboard to find a Belgian Chocolate single serve dessert sitting
there staring back at me. I popped in the micowave and 30 seconds
later sat down to eat this wonderfully chocolate dessert - what a
disappointment it was !!! Then, because I remembered all the starving
children around the world and forgot my resolution that if I didn't
like something I wasn't going to eat it, I proceeded to eat the whole
thing - all 5.5 points of it. To say that I got a shock this morning
when I calculated my points for yesterday is an understatement - not
only did I eat 34.5 points instead of the 19 points I am allowed but I
also didn't exercise having had to cancel my pilates class because I
was still at work. BIG BUGGER !!!! I am going to have to do some
major catch up of points this week. Having only had my jewellery on
for 1 day I don't want to get to next weeks weigh-in and find that I
have to take it off and put it back in the safe.
Have a great week everyone and go safely !
TFTD : Friendship is like a rose ... opening one petal at a time.
And, as it unfolds ... day by day, it reveals it's true beauty.
TIAGF : No compuer system - the break from work has been good even
though it is going to bite me on the butt when I have to catch up on
the new system !
You never cease to amaze me with how little you value your own efforts. Your loss this year is nothing short of AMAZING.
And you have worked hard for it. Juggling family, jobs, tracking, and all the extras that came with the operations and renovations.
Keep up the pressure Linda and you will be back to your goal in no time flat and on our backs to hurry along too LOL.
I hope you have a lovely lovely weekend (and I will reply to your email tomorrow) xx
I think I'm going to have to agree with M on this one!! I can imagine you encouraging & congratulating anyone else who had lost 5kg in 6 weeks, its a fabulous effort so congratulate yourself girl!
Hell yeah, well done with the loss so far Linda, this is great! You are going great guns and obviously just doing it. We all have our dodgy days and working the way you do, I am even more impressed with your losses!!
I hope you have been well since you last posted. I'm a mjor slacker with keeping up!
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