Friday, September 09, 2005

AJ is right ..... again !!!

AJ was totally spot on when she said that you mustn’t expect to lose your problems just because you have lost the weight – how true that statement was for me this week. While I am normally quite happy just muddling along with all that has to be done – this week I have really been thrown problems that have taken time and effort to try to resolve. While they are not actually resolved as yet, the control I have over them is no longer there so I have put them in the “Waiting for a result” basket” and that is where they will stay until they are resolved.
The good thing is that I have realised that I do not have to turn to food to resolve the problems and while there have been many instances during the past few days and nights when I would gladly have given my right arm just to feed my face, I have managed to find alternative ways of coping. Does this mean I will never turn to a chocolate bar or biscuit when I am upset and trying to work something out ? No. Does this mean I have won the battle this time around ? Yes !!! And for that I am grateful – if I have done it once, I can do it in the future and while it may not be every time in the future at least I know that it can be done by me (because I have read too many success stories where the person says how they managed to overcome it and thought – well that is all very well for you but that doesn’t mean I can do it).
Food wise I have been within my points each day but my choices, in terms of the food groups, hasn’t been the best. Water has been awful and exercise (apart from pilates which was really great) has been non-existent. But, I have filled my water jug this morning and have already had one glass – long may it continue !!!!!
On to some good news – Kaitlin and I are probably going to visit Al in Taipei in December so that is something to look forward to.
I have been touched by the comments and e-mails which I have received over the past week from so many of you who read this journal – e-mails from people saying how much they have enjoyed reading about my journey which has brought me to where I am today. It has been so inspiring for me – as you may or may not be aware, I started this to use as a tool to keep myself motivated and accountable so that I could actually get to goal this time but I am just blown away by the number of people I seem to have inspired along the way – thank you for acknowledging that and making me feel like I have made a difference.
Take care everyone, be good and have a great weekend !

TFTD : This is rather long – it was sent to me by a special friend in England but it really just says it all for me right now !

Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are different that each of us is special.

Do not set your goals by what other people deem important.
Only you know what is best for you.

Do not take for granted the things closest to your heart.
Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless.

Do not let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past nor the future.
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.

Do not give up when you still have something to give.
Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.
It is a fragile thread that binds us to each other.

Do not be afraid to encounter risks.
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Do not shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love, the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. The best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Do not dismiss your dreams.
To be without dreams is to be without hope,
To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been,
But also where you are going.
Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.


TIAGF : The lovely sayings which friends send to let you know that you are thought of.


Blogger Learning Leaders said...

Hi Linda - good to see you feeling so positive about things. Tough times come and go but you have retrained yourself to look at things differently which is a major achievement. Have a great

10:18 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

I've been in the same state lately but haven't blogged about it. Some things, if you can't deal with them straight away should be put aside until you can fix them. I hope things get better for you soon! I think changing our lifestyles helps with dealing with challenges better now though which is good. Like not going for the junk. Thinking of you babe!! It must be really tough without Al but at least you guys can talk, email and sky for now :-) *HUGS*

12:10 PM  
Blogger Leighanne said...

I love your thought for the day!
Good on you for realising that you don't need to turn to food:)

1:50 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Fantastic. It is so true that other problems don't just disappear as the kgs do, but as Mary said we become stronger through this journey which gives us the strength to better cope with things that get thrown our way. You do inspire me. You do encourage me to see things a different way. Each blog, each person, has such a different way of addressing the same problems, the same concerns and each person is a validation of how special we all are.

Whooo Hooo to the planned trip. Can I put my duty free order in now :) Have a great weekend

10:43 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

That is a fantastic post Linda. I am sorry you have had some difficult things to deal with. You are obviously coping really well and deserve to be pleased with yourself for not trying to fix everything with food. That is so exciting about your trip in December. k must be very excited. have a good weekend.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Well done on resisting the food. As you say, it doesn't mean you will resist in future I always feel that each time you win that battle, it makes you just a bit stronger.

Hope your problems all resolve soon and you come out on top :)

10:27 AM  
Blogger Chubbymum said...

What an accomplishment when you don't go for food when things get on top of you!! What an inspiration!

1:32 PM  
Blogger jak said...

What a great post. Congratulations on winning the battle this time around - and for becoming that bit stronger for it. And yay for going to visit Al in Taipei in December! :)

1:35 PM  
Blogger Kt said...

Welldone for not giving in to food! U must be excited about visiting Al in Taipei :)
Hope u r having a nice wknd

3:17 PM  

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