Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I'm back

Where to start - sorry for the lack of updates. Things have been a little hectic around here lately. At work it has been so busy I haven’t had a chance to post during my lunch hour either but today, I am off sick with a tummy bug so thought I would at least be able to catch up on some blogs and get my latest update done.
First the good news - a loss of 1.2kg last night - I am now officially a 60’s girl with only 1.8kg to go to goal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure that it was because I decided to have a real change around in the food I eat that I have seen this result - now I know I just need to be a little more organised and plan a little further than just my meals for today. It obviously isn’t enough to just eat the right points each day - our bodies need a variety of foods as well and maybe changing my food just gave my metabolism a bit of a kick start - I hope that I can keep the kick start happening for the next couple of weeks until I can get these last bits off. Al came with me last night and after the recorder had written my weight down, he stood on the back of the scale - she didn’t see what had happened but we had a good laugh when I looked down and saw the scale in the 80’s as Al was saying to her to look again - was she sure she had the right figure in my book !!!! Then she wasn’t sure but he told her he had waited for her to finish writing before he stood on the back of the scale.
After that we went to get some pizza (I only had two pieces which for me was good as I can normally eat 3-4 pieces and it also meant I stayed within my points), ate quickly before going off to the service at school. That ran pretty much on time which was great but when we left there I asked Al and Kaitlin how they were feeling and they both felt fine - well I didn’t and only just made it home in time. After going to the loo for the third time in about ½ hour - I asked Al how come I couldn’t have got the bug before I went to weigh - I might have made it to goal last night !!!!!!! Anyway, went off to work but the load didn’t get in until about 11.30 - so we were just kept busy with back-stock and not much else. Came home at 1am feeling absolutely lousy ( so lousy I couldn’t even eat a little Mars Lite chocolate) and said if I didn’t feel better in the morning I was going to stay at home. The accounts are all finished and I am just working on a few things before starting my August work so it isn’t as though it couldn’t wait a day. Am still feeling rather fragile - haven’t chanced eating anything yet as the thought of food is enough to send me running - will maybe try some dry biscuits or toast a little later.
I had a horrifying thought on the way to school last night - now that I am a 60’s girl - do my points drop to 18 ???? Had a look when I got home - whew - have to be a low 60’s girl before that happens - and I don’t know that I will ever get down to that again, and if, by chance I did, I think it is just too hard for me to maintain at that level. For me the plus factors of my goal as it is, are that I am happy with how I look (lets face it, I am never going to be a prance around the beach in a bikini babe - neither am I going to be the hipster and crop top brigade), and Al is more than happy with the way I look (he thought I had lost enough already). While my clothes aren’t comfortable (they are now too big) when I get to goal I will go and buy some clothes which fit me properly and they will be the gauge of how I am doing. I am not yet ready to get rid of all my fat clothes but if I can maintain for a while, I may just do that.
Thank you all for the comments and e-mails you have sent - the motivation and inspiration you provide is the reason I have managed to stick at it this time and for that, I am grateful. I have got to goal more times that I care to think about but I really feel that with the friends I have made through blogging, this time I will get there and be able to maintain there because I know that there are a few of you out there who will give me a swift kick in the pants if I land up falling off the rails and don’t pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on the rails (not mentioning any names - but quite possibly M, Mary, Anne, Jodie, Suzy, Kate, Emily Paulene, Michelle and of course, anyone else who sees it happen)

Take care everyone and have a great day !

TFTD : A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with - a man is what he makes of himself.

TIAGF : Soft toilet paper


Blogger Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

So much for not naming names!!!

LMAO at your TIAGF, all the while in total sympathy with your situation. If its any consolation, it was the tummy bug that got me to Goal!!!

Enjoy your last few days with Al before his next trip, and CONGRATS on your fab loss last night :-)

12:01 PM  
Blogger jak said...

What a bugger you're sick - though I did get a giggle out of your TIAGF! :) Yay on being a 60s girl though, and so close to goal! Fantastic!

5:41 PM  
Blogger Suzy said...

OMG Linda well done on the loss!!!! You are getting so close! You are doing a really great job.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Learning Leaders said...

Glad to see you back on the air, although under not so good circumstances. Hope you are feeling better soon and the make the most of your time with Al before he departs on sunday. Congrats on your loss this week and also on getting into the sixties. Someone who is at goal and has done maintenance can probably give you a better idea about this but I think when you are on maintenance your points actually go up again. Be good to yourself. lb

6:55 PM  
Blogger Kt said...

Wow 1.2kg, fab loss! sorry to hear u are feeling unwell :(
Being a 60s girl is pretty impressive stuff Linda, so proud of u!

7:33 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Whoooo Hoooooo. 60's girl. Are we wearing our mod boots and mini dress now??

You have done so well and isn't the feeling of sticking with it just fantastic. Wow you are so close to goal. Closer now that your insides are empty (yucko) but take the silver linings where they come.

Drink plenty of water and take care of yourself. Catch up with you soon.

Cheers :)

10:17 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Woohoo for being a 60s girl but bummer about the stomach bug... although maybe it will push you over the edge next week. Maybe your system can't handle the fatty pizza now. Enjoy your last few days with Al :)

10:28 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

Well done being a 60s girl and being so close to goal. Look after yourself today and very importantly make the moset of your time with Al.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Well done on a great loss!! I'm sorry you haven't been well - take care! And, enjoy your time with your hubby, we'll all be here when you get back :-)

6:16 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

I am so happy to hear you were spending time with Al :-) How long will he be away for now? Sorry to hear about the tummy bug but WOO HOO on the awesome loss woman. WOW! And you living in the 60s now. You have really inspired me today. When I get home tonight, I am going to plan my week properly and change things around too. You have come so far on this journey and I am so glad to have met you also. You're a really cool individual!

I hope you have a brilliant day and I hope to catch up with you more during the week :-)

9:11 AM  

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